2008年7月23日 星期三

Aleph Ono clone


對於唱頭放大器與MC前前級的選擇也一直在日益挑剔的耳朵下尋找更合適的線路,從真空管的Marantz-7全晶體式的架構、到最近以OPA637為主角的Cheapohttp://www.users.nac.net/markowitzgd/phonopre.html),少說也做過5~6種的線路了,每一次的改變總會帶來一翻新的感受,卻又總在驚喜裡感到些許的不滿足…直到今年年初在DiyAudio上看到有人仿製Aleph ONO,面對這部PASS廠的上一代名機,滿懷憧憬試著開始規劃製作。
新一代的Xono與Aleph ono其實並無太大不同,Xono應該只是重新layout的電路板,還有將電源分離裝箱而已,下面節錄PASS原廠的說明:

The Xono is based on the design pioneered in the Aleph Ono. The basic Ono design has not changed but been extend and refined. The separate power supply combined with the additional filtering and dual mono power supply design contribute to the lower noise floor and sonic improvements. The main circuit board layout has been completely revised to reduce noise, shorten the signal path and reduce the length of connecting wires. Sonically critical parts have been optimized and upgraded through continued extensive listening tests.


Aleph ono

40 dB @ 1 KHz (MM)
71 dB @ 1 KHz (MC)
76 dB @ 1 KHz (MC)
RIAA response
+/- 0.1 dB 20-20 KHz
< .05 % THD @ 20 volts balanced @ 1 KHz
Maximum Output
20 volts rms
Output Impedance
150/150 ohms
Input Impedance
47 Kohm 0-650 pF (MM)
5 ohm - 47 Kohm (MC)
Unweighted Noise
-90 dB ref. 10 mV input (MM)
-81 dB ref. 1 mV input (MC)
Power consumption
20 watts
19 " W x 11.5 “ D x 4 " H
35 lbs.
40 dB @ 1 KHz (MM)
71 dB @ 1 KHz (MC)
76 dB @ 1 KHz (MC)
RIAA response
+/- 0.1 dB 20-20 KHz
< .05 % THD @ 20 volts balanced @ 1 KHz
Maximum Output
20 volts rms
Output Impedance
300/300 ohms
Input Impedance
47 Kohm 0-650 pF (MM)
5 ohm - 47 Kohm (MC)
Unweighted Noise
-90 dB ref. 10 mV input (MM)
-81 dB ref. 1 mV input (MC)
Power consumption
20 watts
17" W x 11.5 “ D x 3.5" H
46 lbs, both units.
